
simple dinner recipes for my family

This delicious and easy recipe is amazing. Delicious and easy recipes for lunch or dinner. What could be better than freshly cooked homemade food from the finest organic ingredients Homemade food is amazing. simple dinner recipes for my family Recipe and Ingredients 00:00 Recipe 1: Chicken thighs 1 pound/450 g. Pepper. Bay leaf. Salt. Red pepper. Celery. 1 potato. 1 bulb. 1 celery stalk. Butter. Onion. Carrot. Celery. 1 handful Macaroni Dill. 01:33 Recipe 2: 1 onion. 4 celery stalks. 2 carrots. Vegetable oil. Add to a hot skillet. Ground beef 1 pound/450 g. Red dry wine 4 oz/100 ml. Salt. Pepper. Oregano. Smoked sausage 1 round / 450 g. 1 tbsp tomato paste. Meat broth 4 oz/100 ml. Salt. 5 potatoes. 1 head of cabbage. Add 8oz/200ml beef broth. Salt to taste. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. 03:09 Recipe 3: 6 medium potatoes. Salt. 1 bulb. Butter. Brussels sprouts 0.7 pound / 300 g Brussels sprouts. Salt. 200 g champignons. Lubricate the form with butter. Salt. 3 eggs. Milk 4 oz/ 100 ml Salt. Pepper. Beat well. Add cheese. In the oven / 200C / 400F / 20 minutes. Friends, if you liked my video recipe, help develop the channel: Rate the video! Put 👍 - I would be very grateful and it will help the development of the channel. Write your COMMENT and ask me questions about recipes. I'll be happy to answer you. 📢 You can also share this video with your friends, click the arrow in the right corner below the video. Subscribe to the channel, and hit the bell not to miss a new video with delicious and healthy recipes. Thanks for your time! Subscribe to all recipes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGNuHc3p2V4OSr1VbvCCwvg #all_recipes #alle_rezepte Germany Rezept und Zutaten 1 Hähnchenschenkel 1 Pfund/450 g. Pfeffer. Lorbeerblatt. Salz. Rote Paprika. Sellerie. 1 Kartoffel. 1 Birne. 1 Stange Sellerie. Butter. Zwiebel. Karotte. Sellerie. 1 Handvoll Makkaroni Dill. 2 1 Zwiebel. 4 Selleriestangen. 2 Karotten. Pflanzenöl. In die heiße Pfanne geben. Hackfleisch 1 Pfund/450 g. Trockener Rotwein 4 oz/100 ml. Salz. Pfeffer. Oregano. Geräucherte Wurst 1 Runde / 450 g. 1 EL Tomatenmark. Fleischbrühe 4 oz/100 ml. Salz. 5 Kartoffeln. 1 Kohlkopf. Fügen Sie 200 ml Rinderbrühe hinzu. Nach Geschmack salzen. Bei schwacher Hitze 20 Minuten köcheln lassen. 3 6 mittelgroße Kartoffeln. Salz. 1 Birne. Butter. Rosenkohl 0,7 Pfund / 300 g Rosenkohl. Salz. 200 g Champignons. Schmieren Sie die Form mit Butter. Salz. 3 Eier. Milch 4 oz/ 100 ml Salz. Pfeffer. Gut schlagen. Käse hinzufügen. Im Ofen / 200C / 400F / 20 Minuten.


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