
طريقه عمل سينابون | Cinnabon | Cinnamon | وبطعم خيالي| السينابون بطعم البطاطا | الشيف محمد حامد

طريقه عمل سينابون | Cinnabon | والعجن يدويا وبطعم خيالي| السينابون بطعم البطاطا | الشيف محمد حامد Hi friends! Here's a delicious cinnamon rolls recipe similar to the delicious Cinnabon Rolls! Please like & share! العجينه .. يعتبر سينابون أو ما يعرف في العربية بـ "لفائف القرفة" من أشهى الحلويات التي يمكن أن تحضّرها ربة البيت في المنزل، بمكوّنات أساسيّة متوفرة دائماً في البيت دون الحاجة إلى بذل الكثير من الأموال لتوفير متطلباتها، عوضاً عن شكلها الجميل وطعمها الرائع عند تقديمها. في الفيديو هذا سنعرض لكم طريقة تحضيرها من الشيف "محمد حامد" 3.5كوب دقيق 1عدد بيضه 3معالق كبيره سكر م ص ملح معلقه ونص كبيره خميره فوريه معلقه كبيره خل بديل المحسن معلقتين كبار ذبده معلقتين كبار حليب بودر ماء للعجن الحشو .. ربع كيلو ذبده طريه كوب سكر بني او سكر ابيض معلقتين كبار قرفه بودر للوجه.بطعم البطاطا الحلوه .. نص كيلو بطاطا حلوه مسواه في الفرن كوب جبنه كريمي نص كوب سكر بودر 1عدد برتقال بشر عصير ليمون بالكراميل .. كوب سكر نص كوب كريمه طهي ساخنه معلقه ذبده فانليا بودر كوب بندق مقشر ومحمص ...................................................... If you've ever eaten one of Cinnabon's gooey cinnamon rolls you know just how addictively delicious they can be. But what exactly is it that makes it one of the best cinnamon rolls around? Here are a few reasons why the chain's rolls are so popular. Cinnabon's cinnamon roll recipe isn't some old family heirloom that was handed down from generation to generation until founder Rich Komen decided to open his first store. No the cinnamon roll recipe that we've all come to know and love was created especially for Cinnabon and it took months to perfect. Komen recruited Jerilyn Brusseau a restaurant owner with a background in baking to create the recipe and for three months Brusseau made batch after batch attempting to fulfill Komen's request for an "irresistible" cinnamon roll since he'd already had a sign with the "Irresistible" promise made up. This irresistible treat also needed to bake in just 14 minutes in a convection oven — the longest Komen had determined people would stand in line. But after sourcing just the right cinnamon and perfecting a dough that was quote "both pillowy and able to hold its shape " Brusseau finally hit the jackpot with a recipe that produced a towering cinnamon roll complete with a "sticky-sweet syrup" and "lemony cream cheese icing." It was indeed irresistible — so much so that it's gone unchanged since its inception. You know you're digging into a Cinnabon cinnamon roll when you see that drool-worthy puddle of brown sugar-cinnamon syrup underneath your pastry. That syrup which was one of founder Rich Komen's original requirements for the recipe is lovingly referred to as "goo " and without it a Cinnabon just wouldn't be the same. Aside from the "goo factor " there's another essential element that makes a Cinnabon cinnamon roll oh-so-gooey and that's the just-barely-cooked middle. Bloomberg notes that the rolls which get pulled from the oven at 165 degrees rather than 190 degrees could be described as quote "medium rare to [...] rare." Turns out steaks and cinnamon rolls are both better when they're not overcooked. Watch the video for more on the real reason why Cinnabon's cinnamon rolls are so delicious. #Cinnabon #CinnamonRolls ..................................................... #سينابون #Cinnabon #الشيف_محمد_حامد تابعونا على : facebook https://www.facebook.com/chefmohamd.hamed.7 instagram https://www.instagram.com/chef_mohamed_hamed/ ندعوكم للإشتراك فى القناة من هنا http://bit.ly/32KtK9P

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