Try this recipe with chicken legs and rice you will throw away all the saucepans
Try this recipe with chicken legs and rice - you will throw away all the saucepans! Ingredients: chicken legs - 6 pieces rice - 300 g (10.6 oz) mushrooms - 200 g (7 oz) salt - 10 g (0.35 oz) black pepper - 8 g (0.29 oz) oil - 20 ml (0.7 fl oz) sweet paprika - 5 g (0.18 oz) turmeric - 5 g (0.18 oz) herbs of Provence - 5 g (0.18 oz) chicken broth - 150 ml (5.07 fl oz) sweet cooking cream - 300 ml (10.14 fl oz) IN THE OVEN 180 °C (356 °F)/40 MIN "Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram:"
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